Wednesday, November 7, 2012


try to be a strong person . . .
have to be a strong person . . .
have to endure any pain . . .
keep trying my hardest to achieve the goals . . .

those all because . . .

I want to protect ones I love . . .
have to protect them from any painful thing, from any bad thing . . .
keep them in a safe zone . . .
being the shield for them when any danger comes up . . .
keep trying to make them safe . . .

I want they happy . . .
I want they have a good life, wonderful life . . .
I try to give everything they need, everything they want . . .
I want they keep alright . . .
hope they'll be happy forever . . .
don't let them suffer . . .
can't let them suffer . . .

even if it hurts me a lot, even if it is exhausting, even if it takes a thousand miles and thousand efforts which make me feel like dying
I'll be okay as long as they are good, happy, safe, and have a wonderful life

I have to be strong enough to make it all
I have to be strong for them .... the ones I love . . .

if I am not strong enough, if I can't be strong enough, if I can't endure a pain and survive,
how can I protect them . . .